同工 Staff
Rev. Austin Woo
Local Missions and Administration Pastor
Pastor Austin was born in New York City and raised in Manhattan’s Chinatown. He became a Christian through OCM’s Youth Ministry. During college, Austin received God’s call to full-time ministry at Intervarsity’s Urbana Missions Conference, specifically, to serve the American Born Chinese in an urban context. After graduating from college and working for five years in the financial industry, by God's grace, Austin answered His call to serve in full-time ministry. He attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and after graduation, God opened the door for Austin to return and serve at OCM in January 2007. Since then, he served with various groups at OCM—the English Ministry, college students, Christian Education, Fellowship Department, and currently in the Missions Department. Pastor Austin’s desire is to teach God’s Word, to help Christians live out their faith, and to share God's gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. He is married to Susanna and has three wonderful kids, Gabriel, Hannah and Daniel.
胡永佳牧師出生於紐約,在曼哈頓的唐人街長大。於中宣會青少年時受洗信主。大學期間,胡牧師在厄巴納宣教特會上,神呼召他專職事奉,特別是在城市中服事美國出生的華人。神的恩典,讓他大學畢業並在金融界任職了五年之後,他回應了神全職事奉的呼召。在戈登-康韋爾神學院(Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)畢業後,神為他敞開了返回中宣會的家門,於2007年1月開始在中宣會事奉,包括英文部、大學生、基督教教育、團契部、本地布道、和崇拜部。胡牧師的心願是傳授上帝的聖言,幫助基督徒實現自己的信仰,分享耶穌基督的救恩。他與Susanna結婚,育有三個孩子,Gabriel,Hannah和Daniel。
(212) 219-1472 ext. 108