同工 Staff
Rev. Richard D. Carey
Global Missions Pastor 普世宣教牧師
Rick graduated from Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania in 1982. In 1983, Rick married Deb and they moved to New York City where he worked in retail for Tiffany & Co. During this time, Rick and Deb attended and served as volunteer youth leaders at OCM. In 1990, Rick left Tiffany’s to join Oversea Chinese Mission full-time and served as the church Administrator, and with Deb as the Youth Advisors. For about a decade, Deb and Rick left OCM to serve H.O.P.E. Bible Mission as missionaries in Guatemala. Their focus was, and continues to be, the development of local leadership for the church. Recently, Deb and Rick returned to serve OCM’s English Ministries and Administration. They have two children, Eric and Lauren.
葛瑞才牧師1982年畢業於賓夕法尼亞州浸信會聖經學院。1983年與葛黛比師母結婚,搬來紐約。之後,葛牧師在Tiffany任職,此期間,他們參加了中宣會,並擔任青少年領袖志願者。1990年,葛牧師離開Tiffany,加入中宣會全時間的行政服事,並與師母一起擔任青少年導師。約十年後,他們離開中宣會,以希望聖經協會(H.O.P.E. Bible Mission)宣教士的身份去瓜地馬拉宣教,注重於發展地方教會領袖。最近,葛牧師年與師母回來中宣會,葛牧師服事於英文部和行政部。他們育有兩個孩子,Eric和Lauren。
(212) 219-1472 ext. 146