同工 Staff
Rev. (Dr.) Wing Lam
Senior Pastor 主任牧師
林永裕牧師出生於香港,1994年移居美國紐約。大學畢業後,被三一上帝呼召,全職事奉。2005年,他在哥頓-康威爾神學院(Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) 獲道學碩士;2007 年,在普林斯頓神學院 (Princeton Theological Seminary) 獲神學碩士,主修新約;2015年, 在路德會協同神學院(Concordia Theological Seminary)獲哲學博士,主修宣教學。林牧師於2015年4月加入中宣會教牧團隊;2017年10月,被按立為牧師;2024年11月,被任命為中宣會主任牧師。在事工上,他專注於講道、教導、和門徒訓練。他喜歡的作者是畢德生(Eugene Peterson),布魯格曼(Walter Brueggemann)和賴特(N. T. Wright)。 他與太太陳雪意醫生(Sue)育有兩個孩子,林盼(Hope)和林看言(Amos)。
Wing was born in Hong Kong and has lived in the United States since 1994. After graduating from college, he was called by the triune God to enter into full-time ministry. He received a M.Div. degree (2005) from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a Th.M. degree (2007) from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. degree in Missiology (2015) from Concordia Theological Seminary. He joined the pastoral staff of OCM in April 2015. In October 2017, he was ordained as a pastor. In November 2024, he was installed as the senior pastor of OCM. In ministry, his focus is on preaching, teaching, and discipleship. His favorite authors are Eugene Peterson, Walter Brueggemann, and N. T. Wright. He is married to Dr. Sue Chen and has two children, Hope and Amos.
(212) 219-1472 ext. 149